‘TDCRoundButton’ Custom Rounded Gradient UIButton CocoapodIn Xcode 12 (Swift 5)

Ankit Yadav
Nov 11, 2020

Hey iOS Developers,
While working with UIButton in UIKit, setting cornerRadius and adding gradients makes you write long enough lines of code. I recently published my pod ‘TDCRoundButton’ which will help you set corner radius and horizontal or vertical gradient to your UIButton with Attribute Inspector, means you don’t have to write any code at all. You can simply do all this without a single line of code.
Happy coding :)

Check out this pod and refer the link below for installation purpose.

Cocoapod link — https://cocoapods.org/pods/TDCRoundButton

#iOS #cocoapod #iosdevelopment #xcode



Ankit Yadav

iOS Developer | UI/UX Designer | Head of Design at Apple Developers Group